Thursday, June 12, 2008

Even Neifi hit a big homer once...

Let's be clear: I was very happy to see that ball sneak into the basket. For that matter, I'll even admit to considering the possibility of a game-winning grand-slam while the Braves were changing pitchers. I called my co-author to discuss the possibility as I drove home from work. Fortunately, Lou had the good sense to send Reed in to win the game Homer Simpson style.

But let's not go crazy. Edmonds gets no credit for the sac fly. It was a better outcome than his usual strikeout or soft ground ball, but our friends at Fan Graphs say it did essentially nothing towards winning the game. (Because a decent player would have at least had the possibility of, you know, getting a hit or something.)

But still, he did hit that homer and we did win the game. Neifi Perez hit homers. Bill Bergen hit homers. And today, Jim Edmonds hit one. Good for him- let's see him do it again.

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